Crop fan giving small sneakers to small plastic comic tree character dressed in t shirt

What Is The Sunshine Blogger Award?

A while back, someone mentioned me in a tweet telling me they had nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

The Capable Communicator nominated me. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for nominating me. On behalf of The Bipolar Battle, I would like to thank The Capable Communicator for this nomination.

Rules For The Sunshine Blogger Award

The rules for The Sunshine Blogger Award are as follows:

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you for your post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions to answer.
4 List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or in your blog.

Questions and Answers

1. Do you have a favorite quote? What is it?

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.”—Richard Branson

2. What’s your favorite method of self-care?

Lifting weights every day.

3. If you listen to podcasts, what are the top 3 you’d recommend?

I rarely listen to podcasts, but I was a guest on Voices for Change 2.0 with Rebecca and Joe Lombardo. They are doing amazing things and I will listen to them in the future. I also have to put a plug in for my podcast—The Bipolar Battle.

4. What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?

My kiddos and wife.

5. If you could write for one major publication, which one would it be?

I am already writing for the International Bipolar Foundation.

6. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I can be either. It depends on the day and time of the year.

7. What makes you laugh?

My wife, son, daughter, and dad.

8. Favorite meal to cook?

Slow-cook southern-style BBQ ribs.

9. What’s bothering you right now?


10. If you could take any course for free, what would you take?

Either a course about starting a podcast or starting a travel blog.

11. What’s your biggest goal for your blog?

To empower those of us living with bipolar disorder.

My Sunshine Blogger Award Nominations

I nominate (in no particular order):

1. @thatgirlwithbpd

2. @amber_klee

3. @Maria_M_Johnson

4. @havinghiv

5. @Rosiesxblog

6. @hugsandhexes

7. @ManicGrant

8. @erezshek

9. @UnlunacyBlog

10. @ConorBezane

11. @BipolarBlogger

My Questions for the Nominated 11

1. What is the mission of your blog?
2. Do you have a favorite type of food?
3. Favorite animal?
4. Marvel or DC? Why?
5. Who is your role model?
6. Any special way you take care of your mental health?
7. What piece of advice would you give someone just starting a blog?
8. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or a combination of both?
9. If you had a day off, what would you do?
10. Favorite place on Earth?
11. What is your favorite movie of all time?

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