Spartan warrior with orange background.

Summoning Your Inner Warrior in the Fight Against Bipolar Disorder

Summoning your inner warrior is something you can do. It is completely doable and within the realm of reason.

Your inner warrior needs to be strong in both mind and body. This may seem out of your control and far-fetched. Especially if you are just getting started on your journey to managing bipolar disorder.

The good news is that you can do it. You hold the power within yourself right now to find your inner warrior. It may just be that you need some guidance on how to navigate this path.

The Reality of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a very serious illness.

It devastates.

It destroys and maims.

But, it can be successfully treated with the right treatment.

Finding the right treatment is a process of trial and error. It takes time, energy, and dedication to discover the right treatment for you and your body. Once it is found, the sky’s the limit.

This is the reality of bipolar disorder: It is a daily battle.

I don’t want to paint a doom and gloom picture, but you must treat bipolar disorder like any other chronic illness. There is no cure, but it is a manageable illness.

You can summon and find your inner warrior.


When you find acceptance of your bipolar disorder, only then will you be able to tap into your inner warrior.

Acceptance is not always easy. It’s difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember, bipolar disorder does not define you. Like any other illness, it needs to be correctly treated.

Bipolar disorder is an illness you will have for the rest of your life, but it is something that can be managed. I think that is an important fact that helped me move forward along my journey.

Make sure you do not find your way into playing the role of a victim. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself when you learn you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. My suggestion is to reframe your inner dialogue from that of a victim to a warrior.

Acceptance is one of your first steps in summoning your inner warrior.

Empower Yourself

Take action and you take back control. I’m speaking of healthy action.

You can find more than enough examples where you do not have control. Most of these are external examples.

With a chronic illness, it’s difficult to find ways you have control.

What are some ways you feel you have control over bipolar disorder?

I can think of a few.

Ways I have control over my bipolar disorder:

  • Take my meds
  • Go to therapy
  • Exercise
  • Make good food choices
  • Listen to music
  • Maintain routine
  • Get the right amount of sleep each night
  • Regular contact with my doctor and therapist
  • Write/blog
  • Allow for downtime
  • Meditate

Empower yourself by taking control of that which you can.

Create a Fighting Strategy

Living with bipolar disorder can feel overwhelming. To combat this overwhelming feeling, create a fighting strategy.

I make my fighting strategy, my treatment plan and support team. This strategy helps me strengthen my inner warrior.

My treatment plan consists of ways to manage my bipolar. These strategies help me to balance my mood, energy level, motivation, and ability to function. From my experience, focusing on the basics of survival helps me manage.




Mastering and improving on the basics will help you function to a better degree and improve your quality of life. As a result, you will improve your ability to manage your bipolar disorder.

Your support should, at the least, be composed of your doctor and therapist.

Other members of your support team include friends, family, support groups, and online connections. Anyone can make up your support team. Just remember, you want them to support you.

Both my treatment plan and support team helped me summon my inner warrior by strengthening my mind and body.

Finding the Right Weapons

Everyone is biologically different. We all respond to therapy and treatment in various ways.

A particular coping strategy for you may not have the same effect for me.

Look at coping strategies as the weapons in your fight. You need to find the right ones for yourself in the daily fight with bipolar disorder. This is a way to help find your inner warrior.

Last Thoughts

The fight against bipolar disorder is about summoning your inner warrior.

If you don’t empower yourself, stand, and fight, you risk being swallowed up by your illness.

With your inner warrior, you can stand, fight, and defend yourself against bipolar disorder.

Summon your inner warrior and live the life you deserve.

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