Two faces of woman shaking her head.

Do You Define Your Personality By Bipolar Disorder?

*Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

Is bipolar disorder a part of your unique personality?

Does bipolar disorder define you as a person?

Do you see bipolar disorder as an illness?

I have asked myself these questions several times throughout the years. For some reason, these questions have recently been the focus of many of my conversations.

I would like to navigate through my thought process to help you find some answers and to better understand yourself as a person.

Is Bipolar Disorder A Part Of Your Unique Personality?

Bipolar disorder is a serious and complex mental illness. It is a chemical imbalance that can be successfully managed with the right treatment.

For years, I have seen bipolar disorder as an illness that is a complete and separate entity from myself. This has been my view since my initial diagnosis back in 1999.

As such, an illness does not represent a person’s entire personality. Like cancer, diabetes, or some other chronic illness, bipolar disorder is not a personality flaw. However, the line is somewhat skewed between a mental illness and a person’s personality.

After all, you do not use an illness to define yourself as a person.


Does Bipolar Disorder Define Your Personality?

Bipolar disorder is an illness in and of itself – it is separate from my own personality.

Or, is it?

Ok, I am asking these questions and I feel like I am going around in circles.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness. Like any other illness, I follow a treatment plan to manage it daily.

Unlike other illnesses, mental illness directly affects our brains. Bipolar disorder has a direct impact on my impulse control, motivation, self-talk, energy, thought process, and overall behavior.

These are all components of a person’s personality.


You can define a person’s personality with a list of labels.

Stay with me here.

Think about it for a second.

When you ask a person who they are, they generally give you a list. This list helps to define us as a person.

Bipolar disorder is just another label. A label helps to describe us and our personality, but one label does not define us completely as a person.

That is why I say,

I live with bipolar disorder

and not,

I am bipolar

Bipolar disorder is not the only defining characteristic of my personality. It is a component of my overall personality and individuality.

Do You See Bipolar Disorder As An Illness?

Yes, I do.

I am not completely sure when this question came into play and it is quite confusing. At least, it is to me.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness.

If I do not treat my bipolar disorder, it grows progressively worse. In this sense, bipolar disorder is a degenerative disease. Without proper treatment, it becomes more severe. That has been my experience and the experience of countless others, I may add.

Follow your treatment plan and work with your team of medical professionals.

There is no cure, but proper treatment can help you manage bipolar disorder in the long-term.

Last Thoughts

I will continue to see bipolar disorder as an illness that I can manage with proper treatment.

Bipolar disorder is a label on a long list that helps to describe my personality. It does not define me completely as a person.

As an illness, I see bipolar disorder as something I must fight, so it will not take me over. I will continue to fight this daily battle to keep this beast at bay.

Bipolar disorder directly impacts me as a person, which contributes to my overall personality and essence as a person and human being.

Lastly, I accept I live with bipolar disorder. It is a mental illness that I will proactively fight until the day I die. My life and personal journey would be completely different if bipolar disorder was not my 24/7/365 companion.

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