5 Top Hobbies For Those Living With Bipolar Disorder

5 Top Hobbies For Those Living With Bipolar Disorder

Hobbies are wonderful coping strategies to help manage the stress of everyday life. Today, I would like share my favorite top 5 hobbies that can improve your ability to manage your bipolar disorder. I am not saying that these are the only five hobbies that can help benefit you, because obviously there are countless hobbies in the…

Should I Tell My Significant Other I Have Bipolar Disorder?

Should I Tell My Significant Other I Have Bipolar Disorder?

This is a big question: Should I tell my significant other that I have bipolar disorder? Generally, there are three situations where this question arises: 1.) If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and are going into a relationship. 2.) If you are already in a committed relationship – not necessarily married – and diagnosed with bipolar disorder….

Being Highly Sensitive Is A Trait Of Bipolar Disorder

Being Highly Sensitive Is A Trait Of Bipolar Disorder

I have found that being a highly sensitive person is a trait of bipolar disorder. I have learned personally, and from my many friends living with bipolar disorder, that we have an enhanced ability to sense other people’s energies. Please stick with me for a moment before you dismiss this line of thinking. You can…

Where Are You In Your Journey With Bipolar Disorder?

Where Are You In Your Journey With Bipolar Disorder?

When managing a mental illness like bipolar disorder, it is always a good idea to stop, take a deep breath, and determine where you are in your journey. Find out where you are presently, so you know where you should be going. It is imperative that you learn the ins-and-outs of how your bipolar disorder manifests itself. Your…

Screen Time and Bipolar Disorder

Screen Time and Bipolar Disorder

*Photo by Mukul Wadhwa on Unsplash Whether or not you live with bipolar disorder, screen time has a tremendous influence on your life. These days, wherever you look, someone is plugged into an electronic device—whether it is a phone, computer, or tablet. When you look at the screen of an electronic device, you probably notice the bluish-white light…

I Joined the Circus

I Joined the Circus

*Photo by Matt W Newman on Unsplash Ok, so I didn’t really join the circus. Although, most of my life has felt like one. For the majority of my life, I have tried to describe bipolar disorder to others. Of course, there is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that details the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder, but how…

Navigating The Confusing World Of Disability In The USA

Navigating The Confusing World Of Disability In The USA

*Photo by Romain Dancre on Unsplash The following information is based on applying for disability in the USA and is not intended as legal advice. Whatever advice you choose to follow is based on your own discretion. Social Security Disability Social Security Disability Income or SSDI is a program that was created for those termed “disabled.”…