Love And Bipolar Disorder – How Can You Tell the Difference?

Love And Bipolar Disorder – How Can You Tell the Difference?

Is it Love or Bipolar Disorder? This is a legitimate question and concern for those of us living with bipolar disorder. When you become hypomanic or manic, the intense feelings and desires can feel like love. I am not talking just about a casual attraction. If you have been in love, you understand the difference. I am not a relationship expert, nor do…

8 Suggestions for Dating When You Have Bipolar Disorder (or other mental illness)

8 Suggestions for Dating When You Have Bipolar Disorder (or other mental illness)

*Photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash Even if you live with bipolar disorder or other mental illness, you can still have fulfilling relationships in your life. Whether you want to join the dating scene, make a friend, or simply connect with a human being, you can do it! There are different factors and considerations to take into…

The #1 Long-Term Treatment Goal of Bipolar Disorder

The #1 Long-Term Treatment Goal of Bipolar Disorder

A long-term treatment goal can be extremely beneficial to an individual living with bipolar disorder. Goals should be a part of your treatment.  When it comes to short-term and long-term treatment goals, both are not created equal. It depends on what you are trying to accomplish, how you define the goal, and how much time you have…

The Importance of Physical Health as a Component of Your Treatment Plan

The Importance of Physical Health as a Component of Your Treatment Plan

Through the years, I found the importance of regular exercise to improve both my physical health and mental health. Personally, it comes right after my sleep and daily medication. My Journey to Better Physical Health Don’t get me wrong. I am NOT saying that exercise should take the place of your medication. I use daily exercise to help manage my bipolar disorder. Getting…

Summoning Your Inner Warrior in the Fight Against Bipolar Disorder

Summoning Your Inner Warrior in the Fight Against Bipolar Disorder

Summoning your inner warrior is something you can do. It is completely doable and within the realm of reason. Your inner warrior needs to be strong in both mind and body. This may seem out of your control and far-fetched. Especially if you are just getting started on your journey to managing bipolar disorder. The good news is that…

How Can New Bipolar Disorder Treatments Reach Patients?

How Can New Bipolar Disorder Treatments Reach Patients?

By Nancy Ryerson For those living with bipolar disorder, the right combination of medication, therapy, and stress management can be life-changing. But bipolar disorder is a very individualized condition: no one treatment works best for everyone. It can take several years for some people with bipolar disorder to find the most effective treatment regimen. Tragically, people diagnosed with bipolar also…

A Joint Venture Between The Bipolar Battle & Ketamine Wellness Centers: The Truth about Ketamine Treatments

A Joint Venture Between The Bipolar Battle & Ketamine Wellness Centers: The Truth about Ketamine Treatments

*Photo by Samuel Ramos on Unsplash It has been a few years since I first learned of ketamine infusions as a treatment option for specific mental illnesses. In fact, in the beginning, I remember it being used solely for unipolar depression. Nowadays, Ketamine treatments have been used to provide patients with relief from a host…

High-Risk Activities and Environmental Extremes Impact Bipolar Disorder

High-Risk Activities and Environmental Extremes Impact Bipolar Disorder

High-risk activities and environmental extremes can destabilize your bipolar disorder. Engaging in high-risk activities can help a doctor to diagnose bipolar disorder. High-risk activities are generally those that can hurt another person. Examples include overspending and hypersexuality. Engaging in high-risk activities is very symptomatic of someone in a manic episode. Just because someone participates in…

The Many Faces of Bipolar – A Constant Change and Evolution

The Many Faces of Bipolar – A Constant Change and Evolution

*Photo by NOAA on Unsplash I am sure you have heard the question, “Can people really change?” Perhaps you have wondered the same thing? A neurotypical individual is a person who does not have a mental illness like bipolar disorder. From my own experience, I would be hard-pressed to find an example of a neurotypical…