The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder is Real

The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder is Real

The dictionary defines stigma as “A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.” By its definition, there is a stigma associated with bipolar disorder. There is “a mark of disgrace” accompanying bipolar disorder and any mental illness, for that matter. There are several ways we can help to stomp out the…

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) On My Brain

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) On My Brain

ECT, also known as electroconvulsive therapy, is used to treat unipolar depression and bipolar depression. It is also utilized for treating other mental illnesses. A medical professional can also prescribe ECT treatment for some individuals who have mania or are in a mixed state. Older patients and those who are not responding to regular treatment are strong candidates, as…

World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day

Van Gogh is a painter whose birthday is March 30. He is well known for having manic depression, now known as bipolar disorder, and painting such famous masterpieces as “Starry Night.” World Bipolar Day To commemorate Van Gogh’s birthday, The International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF) has adopted his day as “World Bipolar Day.” The mission of…

6 Ways How To Prevent A Manic Episode

6 Ways How To Prevent A Manic Episode

If you live with bipolar disorder, you undoubtedly understand how it feels when a manic episode (referred to as a “hypomanic episode” in type 2) sneaks up on you. Those are some symptoms you may feel when mania seizes your thoughts. Your individual symptomology may be different, but you get the idea. With a manic…

How To Manage Bipolar Disorder With These 5 Simple Tricks

How To Manage Bipolar Disorder With These 5 Simple Tricks

You can successfully treat and manage your bipolar disorder by taking healthy steps. There are countless examples and ways to do this, but I will share with you five things I do to help manage my bipolar disorder. The first action I took, even before implementing these five strategies, was taking personal responsibility for my…

What is Bipolar Disorder? The A-Z’s of What It’s Like to Live with Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? The A-Z’s of What It’s Like to Live with Bipolar Disorder

It is sometimes difficult to talk about bipolar disorder (or mental illness). People usually cannot relate, unless they’ve been there before. There really is not enough content about the causes and consequences of having a mental health problem. That said, I am happy to lead the charge for folks with bipolar disorder. Below, I have…

The 5 Criteria To Look For When Searching For A New Psychiatrist

The 5 Criteria To Look For When Searching For A New Psychiatrist

The whole process of searching for a new psychiatrist or other prescribing medical professional can feel scary and overwhelming. So I put together this list of “5 criteria to look for when searching for a new psychiatrist.” Each of us has our own specific needs. However, you can use this list to give you a baseline for…

Adopt An Athlete’s Mindset To Overcome Bipolar Disorder

Adopt An Athlete’s Mindset To Overcome Bipolar Disorder

Growing up, I took part in sports, and in each sport, I trained to be an athlete. Not only did I train my mind, but I trained to think with an athlete’s mindset. Whether it was soccer, swimming, track, and field, or cross-country, my coaches always helped me to become the best athlete I could…

Fun And Bipolar Disorder?

Fun And Bipolar Disorder?

Fun and bipolar disorder? What kind of question is that, and what does it mean, right? There is a strong misconception between bipolar disorder and the idea that it is “fun” to live with – referring to mania. Mental Illness Is A Serious Subject Bipolar disorder is an intensely serious subject. As a mental illness, it is considered a…

Should You Join A Support Group For Bipolar Disorder?

Should You Join A Support Group For Bipolar Disorder?

A support group is a great component of an overall treatment plan. There are support groups for almost every type of illness and malady imaginable. Regarding bipolar disorder, some groups focus only on the illness itself. Other groups are offered for family and friends or are a combination of those living with bipolar disorder, family, and friends meeting altogether. Throughout…