Ultimate Guide How To Advocate For Yourself

Ultimate Guide How To Advocate For Yourself

Living with a chronic illness like bipolar disorder is exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. This is especially true if you proactively manage your illness. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy to take steps to manage each day. This is something that someone without bipolar disorder oftentimes cannot fully grasp. That being said, you…

Ways to Cope With Bipolar Disorder: 15 Simple Strategies

Ways to Cope With Bipolar Disorder: 15 Simple Strategies

Stress is something we all have to deal with. We have control over how we react to stress. Whether we conquer this stress positively or negatively will directly impact our quality of life. Our bodies react to stress in the same way–whether it’s good stress or bad stress. Our body doesn’t differentiate between the two. I…

Five Strategies For Saving Money When You Don’t Have Much Of It

Five Strategies For Saving Money When You Don’t Have Much Of It

It seems like we can all use a little more money, right? When I was younger, my father used to tell me that cutting expenses was one of the best ways to free up money in your budget. Of course, you can always earn more money by taking a job offer elsewhere or requesting a…

How To Manage Bipolar Disorder With These 5 Simple Tricks

How To Manage Bipolar Disorder With These 5 Simple Tricks

You can successfully treat and manage your bipolar disorder by taking healthy steps. There are countless examples and ways to do this, but I will share with you five things I do to help manage my bipolar disorder. The first action I took, even before implementing these five strategies, was taking personal responsibility for my…

What is Bipolar Disorder? The A-Z’s of What It’s Like to Live with Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? The A-Z’s of What It’s Like to Live with Bipolar Disorder

It is sometimes difficult to talk about bipolar disorder (or mental illness). People usually cannot relate, unless they’ve been there before. There really is not enough content about the causes and consequences of having a mental health problem. That said, I am happy to lead the charge for folks with bipolar disorder. Below, I have…