Woman curling DB.

5 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

The holidays are just around the corner.

Are you ready?

Whether you’re ready or not, they’ll be here before you know it.

This time of the year is full of excitement, activities, and planning. It can be extremely overwhelming, stressful, and quite triggering.

For me, my daily workouts and healthy eating habits can fall by the wayside if I’m not careful.

I’d like to offer you some suggestions that have helped me to maintain momentum during the holidays.

Just because the holidays are upon us, does not mean we have to ease up on both our mental and physical health.

Tip #1

Prioritize Your Goals

Every day, we make choices based on our priorities.

It is important, especially during the holidays, to prioritize both your physical health and mental health.

I’m not saying you have to say “no” to all the yummy treats this time of year.

Just remember the concepts of balance and moderation.

Mental Health

I prioritize my mental health every day, whether it is the holiday season or not.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness, and it impacts my mental health in a good way, a bad way, or somewhere in between.

I do everything within my power to manage my bipolar disorder. Even if I get my bipolar in check, my mental health can dip into the “bad” range. It also depends on environmental facts and how my body is functioning.

I use a multifaceted approach when it comes to bipolar disorder. It is not as simple as taking a pill and you’ll be better.

To improve my mental health, I have experimented and tried many ways that have worked and some ways that have not.

Examples of ways I improve my mental health (during the holidays) include:

  • Lift weights
  • Take some time away from everything
  • Meditate
  • Listen to music
  • Take a walk outside in the crisp Colorado air
  • Watch an upbeat film
  • Phone a loved one
  • Write

I put “workout” under the mental health section because it is my top way to improve my mental health.

The mind and body are completely interconnected and meshed together.

When I improve my physical health, my mental health gets better.

Physical Health

I prioritize my workouts and healthy eating habits every single day.

To make things as easy and simple to follow as possible, I have a pair of adjustable dumbbells, an adjustable bench press, and a pull-up bar in my apartment. This way, I can’t ever use apathy as an excuse to not follow through with my exercise program.

When I wake up, I set my intention for the day. I say to myself: “Before I go to bed tonight, I will complete a minimum of at least 20 minutes of exercise.”

Following through with my workout and healthy eating choices each day keeps me motivated and on track. By making them a priority, I can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Tip #2

Eat Before Going Out

Work parties, holiday parties, and get-togethers can easily take over your social holiday calendar.

The holidays are a fun time of year, but these social engagements have a high potential to derail your healthy lifestyle.

These events are full of tasty treats, sweets, desserts, and all sorts of other yummy goodness.

How can you not overindulge in these choices, especially when you are hungry?

Trying to decline a tasty offering when you are hungry is no easy task.

Let’s take a step back and look at the concept of preparation.

Before I go out for the night or attend a holiday event, I eat a well-balanced meal to fill me up. If I need something quick and healthy, I drink a meal replacement shake.

I make sure to never attend a holiday gathering when I’m hungry. The propensity to overeat is higher when I’m hungry as opposed to not feeling those hunger pains.

Preparation sets me up for success.

Tip #3

Work Out Early in the Day

I get my workout done first thing in the morning. That way, I don’t have to think about it again for the rest of the day.

Not to mention, I feel so much better for the rest of the day, both mentally and physically.

Working out is one of my daily priorities. Doing it first thing in the morning (earlier in the day) frees up my time later.

The holidays are infamous for creating more stress with all the obligations, appointments, and special events.

It’s easier to skip my workout if it is later in the day if I feel overworked, tired, and exhausted.

Get your workout in first thing and you won’t have to deal with the negative consequences of the day.

Tip #4

Adopt a Healthy Mindset

The holiday season is full of temptation. If you are a seasoned fitness enthusiast, it is easier to stay on track and stick to your goals. After all, you have the experience of how to deal with this time of year concerning your healthy lifestyle.

We all give in to temptation at some point in our lives. It is easier to fall for temptation when it is everywhere you look.

Go easy on yourself. I am not saying to rationalize potential poor choices.

Be flexible.

If you cannot get your workout in one day or you overindulge in that double chocolate chip fudge cake, do not let it demotivate you and get you down.

Instead, look at the next day as a new beginning.

Maybe today you did not make the best choices. Get back on track tomorrow and reaffirm your fitness goals.

The holidays are right around the corner, but you can still maintain your healthy lifestyle and make good choices.

Tip #5

Remember the Word “no”

With so many extra events and obligations, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Add in the extra anxiety, memories, and any triggers, and that overwhelming feeling is intensified.

Just remember, you don’t have to say “yes” to every social gathering and request for help.

If you feel overwhelmed, take that time you would have spent going out, and take some downtime.

Be realistic about what you can and cannot handle.

Follow these 5 holiday healthy lifestyle tips and you will be well on your way to good health.

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